Sunday 18 December 2016

Famous & Best { #10+ } Merry Christmas 2016 Prayer || Evening Catholic Prayer 2016 Of Happy Christmas 2016

Wish you a happy Christmas Day 2016 Friends. We have Selected Catholic Prayer Of Merry Christmas 2016 so come on this blog and get best ones which you sing on Christmas Evening. I have also much traditional Prayer Of Christmas so come on this link "Best Traditional Catholic Prayer Of Merry Christmas " and get best . I have also Best Outfit, Cloth And Dress Of Merry Christmas 2016  so come on here "Top Dress Code, Outfits Of Happy Christmas Day 2016 - Happy Christmas 2016 clothes on discount" and get best ones which you want on Christmas.  I have also Best Image, Emoji, Picture And Wallpaper Of Happy Christmas 2016 so come on this link "Best { #12+ } Merry Christmas Image,Wallpaper And Picture 2016 - christmas Day 2016 Wallpaper" and choose Best ones which you want shared with your friends.
Catholic Prayer Of Merry Christmas 2016
Catholic Prayer Of Merry Christmas 2016

Special Prayer Of Merry Christmas 2016: 

The joy of discovery
that moment 
when hope and expectation 
were gloriously met 
by the illumination of one bright star. 
We cannot imagine 
what words were spoken by visitors 
or if first impressions 
left them somewhat confused. 
Messiah, Saviour, a King 
born in the barest of palaces. 
Yet they saw and fell down 
on their knees in adoration. 
Lord, they saw you and knew 
whom they had met.
As we meet around crib 
candle or advent wreath 
draw us into that stable 
in our imagination. 
In the quiet moments of prayer 
this Christmas, that brief oasis 
from the bustle of the world
bring alive to us 
the smell of the hay 
the sound of the animals 
the cry of a baby. 
Draw us close to our Saviour 
Messiah and King as we bring 
not Gold, Myrrh or Frankincense 
but the gift of our lives 
the only offering we can bring.

There were thousands of babies
born that day 
all helpless 
needful of love 
and sustenance
some no doubt did not survive 
to see another dawn 
their tiny light extinguished 
through lack of appropriate care
some would grow up to be kings 
leaders of men
others slaves
murderers and thieves
most however 
would live ordinary lives 
among ordinary people 
and live and die
whilst the world scarce noticed 
their existence
But not you
Who rose from the ordinary 
to the extraordinary
from stable to cross
and beyond
whilst the world tried its best 
to ignore you
and failed

My home is full of happiness
My stockings filled with treats
My Christmas tree has twinkly lights
Mum's cooking us a feast.
My church is full of singing
My heart is full of joy
My nativity has the last piece
A little baby boy.

My bible tells me of his life
My mind is filled with tales
My prayer is full of thankfulness
Because on this very day -
The son of God came down to earth
To teach us right from wrong,
And spread forgiveness through the world
Today true love was born.

And so we celebrate this day 
With presents, trees and lights.
We play fun games with loved ones
And eat food that's really nice.
For this day is the birthday of 
A precious little boy,
Sent to save the world forever
Sent to bring us joy. 

Christmas Day 2016 Prayer

Lord God,

Today may we not only unwrap presents,
But may we discover more of your love.
Today may we not only eat on festive food,
But may we feast on your faith.
Today may we not only cherish happy times with family and friends,
But may we invite you into our lives.
Today may we not only sing carols that celebrate your birth,
But may we dwell upon the resurrected Christ alive this moment.
Living Lord, we long to discover your love, feast on your truth, invite you into our lives and thank you for your sacrifice. Amidst the presents, food and family we long to celebrate Christmas with you. 


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